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Important Information to Keep Your Time Clock Clean
Cleaning your employee time clocks It's more important than ever to keep your time clock clean. Take a look at this FREE guide to what to use and what NOT to use on your clocks. Keep [...]
Nevada Paid Leave Effective January 1, 2020
The State of Nevada Office of Labor Commissioner reminded employers of the new Paid Leave Law for private employers starts January 1, 2020. Highlights of the new regulations is as fo [...]
Harvard Market Awards Time Equipment Company Parking Contract
Harvard Market awards Time Equipment Company the contract to replace their parking controls. The Harvard Market is the home of QFC, Bartell's, a UPS Store, and several small restauran [...]
Costs for Manual Entry of Time and Attendance Continue to Rise
Ernst and Young surveyed over 500 HR professionals in US companies with 250 to 5000 employees to quantify the total costs of common HR tasks including time management of employees. M [...]
Washington Long Term Care Funding Bill Dies in Committee
In early February 2020, the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee worked to increasing Medicaid funding with State Bill 6515. While this bill was passed by the committee, amend [...]
Leap Day, a Brief History
In 2020, February has 29 days, but why? Leap days are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the Sun. That is because it takes the Earth a little [...]
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