Magnetic Strip Readers Magnetic Strip Readers Magnetic stripe reader technology is convenient and cost-effective. Magnetic swipe cards work like a credit card: employees [...]
Proximity Readers
admin2020-11-25T21:21:22-08:00Proximity Readers Proximity Readers Proximity time clocks record an employee's presence from a short distance. To punch, employees wave a badge in front of the time cloc [...]
Fingerprint Readers
admin2020-11-25T21:20:37-08:00Fingerprint Readers Fingerprint Readers Biometric finger readers identify employees by unique fingers, increasing security. Employee privacy is protected; no actual fing [...]
Biometric Hand Scanner
admin2020-11-25T21:19:16-08:00Biometric Hand Scanner Biometric Hand Scanner Biometric hand readers use the unique shape of an employee's hand to verify his or her identity and collect Workforce Manag [...]
Touch Screens
admin2020-11-25T21:17:42-08:00Touch Screens Touch Screens Nothing in business stands still. Not products. Not deadlines. Not profits. And certainly not your workforce. Put information right at employ [...]